From “Voodoo” to “You Do” via hex and fun.
Security Summer School is organized by the security community at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, supported by our industry partners: Keysight Technologies Romania (our main industry partner)
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The 12th edition of Security Summer School focused on essential security topics, binary exploitation and web security takes place between June 22, 2025 and July 27, 2025 online (on Discord), with great support from Keysight (Ixia). For the CTFs you can be there in-person (and get pizza and goodies). Students will go through an in-depth tour of what it means to discover, successfully exploit and patch software and web vulnerabilities and develop the necessary skills and insights needed to embark on such an endeavor.
Content is available on GitHub.
Activities take place during two-three intensive training sessions per week, as well as two Capture the Flag (CTF) contests that are held mid-term and at the end of the summer school. The final CTF contest will be the highlight of the summer school and students will be able to showcase the skills they have learned and be awarded prizes offered by Ixia. We recommend that you take part in person at the CTFs, for good connection to your team mates, plus pizza and goodies.
Many thanks to Keysight Technologies Romania for their continued support and engagement.
There are 3 tracks:
For the Essentials track, we only require you to fill in the registration form.
For the Binary and Web tracks, to apply, you will solve a series of challenges hosted on the CyberEdu platform.
The Security Summer School takes place online, on Discord.
Activities take place two & three times a week, as shown in the schedule below.
Each session is highly practical: a presentation of a set of basic concepts (demo) followed by hands-on activities (tutorials and tasks).
The presentation will be recorded and made available on YouTube.
See the calendar.