Hexcellents CTF Wiki


X86 / X86_64

Linux Anti-debugging

  • TODO

Windows Anti-debugging

  • API Calls:
    • kernel32→IsDebuggerPresent()
    • ntdll→NtQueryInformationProcess with ProcessInformationClass argument of 7 (7 == ProcessDebugPort)
  • Timing checks. Some functions or instructions can be used to infer the presence of a debugger
    • rdtsc instruction
    • GetTickCount()
    • QueryPerformanceCounter()
  • Virtual Machine Detection
  • TEB or PEB access
    • xor eax, eax
      mov eax, fs:[eax+0x0] -> _TEB
      xor eax, eax
      mov eax,  fs:[eax+0x30] -> _TEB.Peb
      mov eax, fs:[30]
      mov eax, [eax+2]  -> PEB.IsDebugged flag
      test eax, eax 
      jnz debugger_detected
    • SEH manipulation
  • The following IDC script checks for basic stuff mentioned above
    • antidebug_highlight.idc
      #include <idc.idc>
      static main() {
          auto start, end, addr, mnem, count, opnd, opnd1, opnd2;
          start = SegStart( ScreenEA() );
          end = SegEnd( ScreenEA() );
          addr = start;
          count = 0;
          while( addr < end ) {
              mnem = GetMnem( addr );
              // Common VM detect instructions
              if( mnem == "sidt" || mnem == "sgdt" || mnem == "sldt" || mnem == "smsw" || mnem == "str" ) {
                  Message( "%08x: Found %s\n", addr, mnem );
                  SetColor( addr, CIC_ITEM, 0x0088ff ); // orange
              // Read Time Stamp Counter
              if( mnem == "rdtsc" ) {
                  Message( "%08x: Found %s\n", addr, mnem );
                  SetColor( addr, CIC_ITEM, 0xff8800 ); // blue
              // Exception Handling or other PEB/TEB access
              opnd = "";
              opnd1 = GetOpnd( addr, 0 );
              opnd2 = GetOpnd( addr, 1 );
              if( strstr( opnd1, "fs:" ) > -1 ) {
                  opnd = opnd1;
              else {
                  if( strstr( opnd2, "fs:" ) > -1 ) opnd = opnd2;
              if( opnd != "" ) {
                  Message( "%08x: Found %s\n", addr, opnd );
                  SetColor( addr, CIC_ITEM, 0xff8888 ); // purple
              addr = NextHead( addr, BADADDR );
              count = count + 1;
          Message( "Processed %d instructions from %08x to %08x\n", count, start, end );
  • More details and other techniques here

.NET tools


  • LLVM bytecode can be converted to ELF with llvmc

Packer defeating tools



General Tools

kb/reversing/home.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/20 03:21 by rcaragea
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