====== 0x03. Static Analysis ======
===== Resources =====
[[https://security.cs.pub.ro/summer-school/res/slides/04-static-analysis.pdf|Session 3 slides]]
/*[[https://security.cs.pub.ro/summer-school/res/arc/04-static-analysis-skel.zip|Session's tutorials and challenges archive]]*/
/*[[https://security.cs.pub.ro/summer-school/res/arc/04-static-analysis-full.zip|Session's solutions]]*/
Get the tasks by cloning [[https://github.com/hexcellents/sss-exploit|Public GitHub Repository]].
===== Setup =====
For the tutorial and tasks below we will use GDB with [[https://github.com/longld/peda|PEDA]] (//Python Exploit Development Assistance//) and [[https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/index.shtml|IDA]].
Configure GDB locally with [[https://github.com/longld/peda|PEDA]] by following the instructions on the [[https://github.com/longld/peda#installation|GitHub page]].
Download [[https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/download_freeware.shtml|IDA Freeware Version]].
===== Initial Info =====
After obtaining a malicious binary, it isn't such a good idea to run it without prior inspection of what harm it can do. Therefore, you have to extract as much information as possible about the program without actually executing it. This technique is called //binary static analysis// and can be used to gather a lot of useful details about what the program does and detect potential vulnerabilities. This session describes how a binary executable can be statically reverse engineered by disassembling it, analyzing and annotating the assembly code in order to partially restore its source code.
The first step that has to be taken is to understand the behavior of the application. This can be done by disassembling the binary and retrieving the assembly code. We can use the ''objdump'' tool to extract this information from the ''emperor'' binary:
$ objdump -M intel -d emperor
Notice that the output of the ''objdump'' tool contains a bunch of named labels that indicate the start of functions.
080483fb :
08048436 :
This is very useful information because it helps the ''objdump'' tool to structure the output based on functions. These names are taken by the compiler directly from the source code and are stored inside the binary as DWARF/debugging symbols.
==== 01. Disassemble methods ====
Although machine code and assembly is a one-to-one mapping, binary disassembly is not always an easy task. There are several tools that try to generate accurate assembly code starting from a binary. Based on the method they use, we can narrow down two approaches: //linear sweep// and //recursive traversal//.
A detailed description of disassemble methods is presented in [[http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/linear-sweep-vs-recursive-disassembling-algorithm/|this article]].
=== Linear Sweep ===
Let's strip the debugging symbols and see how ''objdump'' behaves:
$ strip emperor
$ objdump -M intel -d emperor
Notice that objdump can no longer differentiate between different functions within the same section, but rather all instructions are dumped one after another, without any delimitation. The reason is that ''objdump'' uses the //linear sweep// technique to interpret the machine code, which has a very straight forward approach: it starts at the beginning of each section and decodes instruction after instruction in a linear way, until the end of the section.
Although there are no other labels in the code to structure the output of the ''objdump'', the resulted code still looks legible. However, there are some critical issues with this approach. Can you predict them? What happens if an instruction cannot be properly decoded? How does ''objdump'' recover?
Let's move on to the ''wrong'' binary and try to disassemble it. Take a look at the address ''0x804840c'':
$ objdump -M intel -d wrong
804840c: eb 09 jmp 8048417 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x127>
804840e: de ad c0 de e9 e8 fisubr WORD PTR [ebp-0x17162140]
8048414: 7b fb jnp 8048411 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x121>
8048416: f7 83 ec 0c 68 c0 84 test DWORD PTR [ebx-0x3f97f314],0xe8080484
804841d: 04 08 e8
8048420: ac lods al,BYTE PTR ds:[esi]
8048421: fe (bad)
8048422: ff (bad)
8048423: ff 83 c4 10 b8 ff inc DWORD PTR [ebx-0x47ef3c]
8048429: ff (bad)
804842a: ff (bad)
804842b: ff 8b 4d fc c9 8d dec DWORD PTR [ebx-0x723603b3]
8048431: 61 popa
8048432: fc cld
8048433: c3 ret
Looks awful, right? Some of the instructions are not even disassembled and appear as illegal/(bad). Is this program working though? Let's try to execute it:
$ ./wrong
What is wrong with me :-s?
It runs without any issues! If you take a closer look at the assembly snippet I pasted above, the instruction at 0x804840c is a ''jmp'' instruction to ''0x8048417''. However, we can't see this address in our output, but if we do the math, it is somewhere after ''0x8048416'' and before ''0x8048420''. Let's see how this code executes properly. Open it with ''gdb'' and set a breakpoint at the start address (''0x804840c''):
$ gdb -nh ./wrong
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) break *0x0804840c
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804840c
(gdb) run
Breakpoint 1, 0x0804840c in ?? ()
(gdb) x/5i $pc
=> 0x804840c: jmp 0x8048417
0x804840e: fisubr WORD PTR [ebp-0x17162140]
0x8048414: jnp 0x8048411
0x8048416: test DWORD PTR [ebx-0x3f97f314],0xe8080484
0x8048420: lods al,BYTE PTR ds:[esi]
(gdb) ni
0x08048417 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/5i $pc
=> 0x8048417: sub esp,0xc
0x804841a: push 0x80484c0
0x804841f: call 0x80482d0
0x8048424: add esp,0x10
0x8048427: mov eax,0xffffffff
The breakpoint is hit, but notice that gdb only manages to properly disassemble the ''0x8048417'' address after the instruction pointer moves there. The reason is that the program was containing some overlapping instructions and, although they are not even executed, ''objdump'' does not manage to properly parse them. As we saw, we had to execute the binary to disassemble those instructions, thus performing a dynamic analysis.
It is clear now that the //linear sweep// does not always satisfy our requirements, so let's take a look at a different approach.
=== Recursive Traversal ===
The Recursive Disassembling Algorithm is a technique that combines //linear sweep// with control flow analysis. Basically what it does is to start from the entry point of the program and disassembles instructions in a linear fashion until it finds an instruction that changes the flow of the program (e.g. branches, function calls). At this point it stops disassembling the next instructions and follows the address pointed by the branch instruction, starting a new linear sweep from there. When reaching a return instruction, it goes back and resumes the algorithm from the point it had previously stopped. Since for each jmp instruction, the disassemble continues from the address it points to, we can clearly extract the exact instructions that are executed and properly decode them.
Now let's see how [[https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/|IDA]], a recursive traversal based disassemble tool, generates output for our ''wrong'' executable.
* Open ''idaq'' -> New -> Open ''wrong'' executable -> OK (load it as elf 386 executable)
* Go to address (Jump -> Jump to address / press G) ''0x80483fb''
You should see something like this:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-wrong.png |}}
Notice that the assembly code is properly decoded and that the extra bytes are no longer interpreted as code, but rather as plain data. That's because the recursive traversal hits the jump at ''0x0804840c'' and follows it, without parsing the dead code at ''0x0804840e''.
Although recursive traversal is less susceptible to overlapping instructions, it still has some flaws. One of the biggest problem is indirect branching - jumps to addresses that cannot be computed in a static fashion and can only be determined during runtime. Neither recursive traversal nor linear sweep algorithms can predict those addresses, therefore they can only be decoded using a dynamic analysis technique.
==== 02. Stop, IDA time! ====
You can find IDA installed on the [[:session:infrastructure:vm#windows-7|Windows 7 virtual machine]].
We will present a typical IDA workflow on the ''hyp3rs3rv3r'' binary. To make things harder we stripped all the symbols.
The first screen you are presented with is the following:
{{ :session:ida_start.png?direct&600 |}}
Main components:
* On the left you have the **Function window** with the list of identified subroutines, functions or external functions called by the binary. They are color coded according to the legend right above it
* Under it you have a graph overview of the view presented on the right
* On the right you have multiple tabs, with the **Function summary** selected in the IDA-view. We will not be using this. Instead, we will switch to the complete **Graph View** of functions by pressing the spacebar.
Upon pressing spacebar and navigating in the **Function window** to functions that are not colored (meaning they are part of this binary) we get the following view:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-libc-start.png?direct&600 |}}
When reversing binaries you will often see this particular assembly construct a lot as it is the standard one generated by gcc. Remember from session 02 that ''[[http://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.1/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/baselib---libc-start-main-.html|__libc_start_main]]'' is the wrapper that calls ''main''. We now rename the last argument pushed on the stack to main. Press ''n'' and enter the new name. Now you have your first function identified. Click on it to see what ''main'' does:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-libc-main.png?direct&600 |}}
Note how the execution is neatly layed out in a graph view. If you look at the left pane you can see the complete view. The execution is divided because of conditional and unconditional branches. Let's figure out what happens by analyzing the assembly code:
First we have the function prologue, stack alignment and stack allocation:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h
sub esp, 450h
Next, a variable on the stack is initialized to 1. If you click on ''434h'' it will become highlighted and you can scroll through the whole function to see where it's used later. We ignore this for now.
mov dword ptr [esp+434h], 1
Next we see the first branching:
cmp [ebp+arg_0], 2
jz short loc_8049068
Remember that [ebp + 0] is the saved ebp, [ebp + 4] is the return address and [ebp + 8] is the first argument to the current function. IDA follows a slightly different naming convention: [ebp + 8] is named [ebp+arg_0]. [ebp + 12] is named [ebp+arg_4], etc.
So it's referring to the first argument: ''argc''. Basically what it does is:
if(argc == 2) {
goto loc_8049068
} else {
What does the ''else'' branch do?
mov eax, [ebp+arg_4]
mov eax, [eax]
mov [esp+4], eax
mov dword ptr [esp], offset format ; "Usage: %s \n"
call _printf
mov dword ptr [esp], 0 ; status
call _exit
Pretty straightforward if you remember the tasks from session 02. The second argument (''argv'') is dereferenced and pushed on the stack along with a format string. Then printf is called. Next, exit is called with a status of 0.
if(argc == 2) {
goto loc_8049068
} else {
printf("%s \n", argv[0]);
Now let's do something a bit more advanced: we want to identify the 2 commands that the server accepts from static analysis. How do we approach this problem as fast as possible?
We already know that the server accepts multiple clients. It can do this through forking. Let's see where fork is called in the program.
First find the fork function on the left pane and select it. Now you see a stub to it from the PLT section. We want to find all locations in the program that call this function. You can achieve this by obtaining all the ''cross-references (xrefs)'' to it by pressing ''x''. You should get the following screen:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-xrefs.png?direct&600 |}}
Click that location and you will get to the forking point:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-fork.png?direct&400 |}}
You can see that the return value is stored on the stack at [esp+438h], some error checking (perror and exit) is done and then the return value is checked for 0 (as we traditionally do for ''fork'' calls). The child will execute ''sub_8048ED7'' and the parent will loop back. You can rename sub_8048ED7 to something more legible such as ''handle_child_process''
In this function you can now clearly see the two commands and which function is called for each:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-handle-child.png?direct&600 |}}
It looks like the one on the left, ''sub_8048B0B'' handles LIST so we rename it to ''handle_LIST''. As expected, it calls ''opendir'' and ''readdir'' to read all the files in the current directory and write them to the socket.
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-handle-list.png?direct&400 |}}
Here's some more useful stuff you need to know while working with IDA
* Saving progress is disabled for the trial version. However, you can save a limited (but useful) subset of your work using ''File-> Produce File->Dump database to IDC file'' and then load it next time using ''File->Script File''.
* If you close some windows and don't know how to get them back you can reset the layout using ''Windows->Reset Desktop''
* If you want to return to the previous view you can press ''Escape''
* When you want to view code as in ''objdump'' you only need to press ''Spacebar'' once. And then again to return to ''Graph view'' mode.
* If there is a hex value and you want to convert it to decimal (or back) press ''h''
* Converting hex/dec values to ASCII: press ''r''
* If you want to write comments next to an instruction or a function press '':''
==== 03. C++ executables ====
Many binaries now come from C++ source code. It is important to understand the concepts and paradigm shift that comes with C++ binaries.
We start with a Hello World application
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world" << endl;
return 0;
Compile and open it with IDA to be presented with the now familiar ''_start'' boilerplate code:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-cpp-start.png?direct&400 |}}
But when we turn to ''main'' we are in for a shock:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-cpp-mangled.png?direct&550 |}}
C++, although a very legible programming language, compiles to some really nasty stuff to enable all of its features. Namespaces, class names and polymorphism is achieved through function name mangling. In fact, function names now contain more data such as:
* signature
* data type
* class
* namespace
* structure
* calling convention
* other stuff depending on compiler
Have you ever encountered a problem when using C libraries in C++ and the solution was to declare the functions with the following ? Function mangling is the culprit.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ... */
#ifdef __cplusplus
We will not insist on the mechanisms behind it. However, more info can be obtained at:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling
* on demand demangling: http://demangler.com/ or ''c++filt''
Instead, let's see what can we do in IDA to make it legible. The settings I use (you may prefer something different) are the following:
* ''Options->Demangled names''
* Show demangled C++ names as ''Names''
* ''Setup short names''
* Click ''Only main name''
This inhibits everything except the most important stuff:
{{ :session:sess-04-ida-cpp-demangled.png?direct |}}
Not perfect but much much more legible.
Features of C++ such as polymorphism translate into other, more complex assembly constructs. Virtual functions, for example, are implemented using virtual function tables. Type information is also present in such binaries.
You can find out more information about the internals of C++ using the following references:
* https://ocw.cs.pub.ro/courses/cpl/labs/06 (in Romanian)
* https://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-dc-07/Sabanal_Yason/Paper/bh-dc-07-Sabanal_Yason-WP.pdf
* http://www.hexblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Recon-2011-Skochinsky.pdf
==== warm-up: stripped ====
Someone has given us a stripped binary called stripped. Let's run it and give it a brief view:
$ ./stripped
Hello, there!
I am looping, looping, looping, looping, looping,
$ file ./stripped
./stripped: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
The executable file is stripped, so we can't rely on any symbol information to look at it. However, it's small enough, so we can try to reverse engineer it by hand. To do that, answer the following questions:
* What is the file's entry point?
* What instructions get executed started from that entry point?
* What operands does the call instruction receive during execution?
* Where are ret instructions placed relative to the call operands?
* What other control-flow altering instructions are executed besides call and ret?
Normally we use tools such as IDA or Radare2 to reverse engineer binaries. In this case however, we challenge you to use only your brain, a pen and a piece of paper. It's a bit tedious, but the end result should be fun.
You can dump data from within objdump using the -s flag. Use this to figure out what pointers to contents from .data are put into registers.
==== 04. crypto_crackme ====
The ''crypto_crackme'' binary is an application that asks for a secret and uses it to decrypt a message. In order to solve this task, you have to retrieve the message.
* Open the binary using IDA and determine the program control flow. What is it doing after fetching the secret? It seems to be consuming a lot of CPU cycles. If possible, use IDA to patch the program and reduce the execution time of the application. Use ''Edit -> Patch program -> Change byte...''
* Next, it looks like the program tries to verify if the secret provided is correct. Where is the secret stored? Is it stored in plain text? Find out what the validation algorithm is.
* Now break it and retrieve the message!
Unfortunately, the virtual machine doesn't support the libssl1.0.0 version of SSL library.
Use the library files in the task archive and run the executable using:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./crypto_crackme
You can break password hashes (including SHA1) on [[https://crackstation.net/|CrackStation]].
==== 05. broken ====
The ''broken'' binary is asking you for the correct password. Investigate the binary and provide it with the correct password. If you provided the correct password the message ''%%That's correct! The password is '...'%%''.
==== 06. hyp3rs3rv3r ====
* Investigate the hyp3rs3rv3r binary and find out where the backdoor function is. Note that since it's not directly called, IDA doesn't think of it as a procedure so it won't come up on the left pane. Figure out a way around this. When you find that code block you can press ''p'' on the first instruction to help IDA see it as a procedure.
You can use IDA to reverse engineer this binary.
In order to exploit the vulnerability in Ubuntu, you should use netcat-traditional. You can switch from netcat-openbsd to netcat-traditional using the steps described [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10065993/how-to-switch-to-netcat-traditional-in-ubuntu|here]].