$plugins['authad'] = '0'; $plugins['authldap'] = '1'; $plugins['authmysql'] = '0'; $plugins['authpgsql'] = '0';
First things first, always use binwalk or foremost to isolate files from any other embedded stuff.
And of course use strings (ASCII, UTF8, UTF16) before anything advanced.
Pixel color inverting example:
import Image if __name__ == '__main__': img = Image.open('input.png') in_pixels = list(img.getdata()) out_pixels = list() for i in range(len(in_pixels)): r = in_pixels[i][0] g = in_pixels[i][1] b = in_pixels[i][2] out_pixels.append( (255-r, 255-g, 255-b) ) out_img = Image.new(img.mode, img.size) out_img.putdata(out_pixels) out_img.save("output_inverted.png", "PNG")