$plugins['authad'] = '0';
$plugins['authldap'] = '1';
$plugins['authmysql'] = '0';
$plugins['authpgsql'] = '0';
==Asymmetrical ciphers==
* Initialisation Algorithm
* Choose p and q two prime numbers of similar bit length
* n = p * q (the public key or modulus)
* phi(n) = (p-1) * (q-1) (totient function)
* Choose exponent e such that gcd(e, phi(n) ) = 1 (common values include 3, 65537)
* Private key d = modular_inverse( e, phi(n) )
* Encryption / Decryption
* c = m ^ e (mod n)
* m = c ^ d (mod n)
* Assumptions and attacks
- Public key is of sufficiently large bit length. Attack: brute force factorization (Cryptool has several efficient algorithms)
- Factorization is unknown. Attack: database lookup at [[http://www.factordb.com]]
- m ^ e > n. Attack: because m ^ e < n then m = e-th root of c
- p and q are not close primes. Attack: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat%27s_factorization_method | Fermat's factorization method]]
def isqrt(n):
x = n
y = (x + n // x) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
def fermat_factorization(N):
a= isqrt(N) + 1
b2 = a*a - N
while ( isqrt(b2) * isqrt(b2) - b2 != 0):
a = a+1
b2 = a * a - N
p = a - isqrt(b2)
q = N / p
if N != p *q:
print "ERROR"
return (0,0)
return (p,q)
- the message m is not encrypted using multiple public keys (#keys >= exponent). Attack example with exponent e = 3 and three public keys:
c_flag1 = 0x21447c68f7b8a50bb1b85926f8db0d701b22a1d3f6f0346a83f4ffe3200205464ebd6a81252ac3cc252b920d6aefe3f300a164170bed6350ad6eb0fec595ef6b1a418fd67e853f76f2dea0a6b0a944559b5fa3fc2486e7f902fad2a0204dd73431b317819db8d6deeb301eba2e6bab1882707bc9d23e7618098b782154acde60L
c_flag2 = 0x7bba3c18705aff9c4f37d629e0241bb0ece5535dc9b5fa489cadc3082f675968fa4823fb209276c3da6c3e4fdd483233b8d985c3f65c843b197bb87171b91c8ea8d4fd08ce170336bd6ba5b27b477dd8b705501cf7ed5a31c91c5d7b2b3a9f1b97ea3b8b516adb2587b2731c2e401db8d0c2bbba754c97a1b426abf71666b29cL
c_flag3 = 0x96d411149c82e2aaa932155e8e116903c38f68a264b6015f04bdefa8b545000a10336cd288e246738ed09d6cbe49b3744930f5879f15c916abdee6b8e0234ed7b644be53acc7624d3b468df53d0b26597d9bf08628de9eadbfbad62c6a3423c3a4686fd466da0ccb762369b59f951de958f3330148d2771f1ab96e248ebdb28L
flag_cubed = crt( [N1, N2, N3], [c_flag1, c_flag2, c_flag3] )
flag = root3rd(flag_cubed)
print hex(flag)[ 2 : -1 ].decode("hex")
#prints "______________ key:{RSA_isn't_so_great_after_all?!} ______________"
# reference: picoCTF 2013
* Sometimes not even the public key is known (except for maybe its bitlength) but a chosen plaintext attack can be mounted. Attack example for recovering the public key
#known values: key_bitlength ; exponent
#plaintext is in hex format (0x414243 etc)
plaintext1 = get_random_plaintext(key_bitlength - 2)
plaintext2 = get_random_plaintext(key_bitlength - 2)
plaintext1_e = pow(plaintext1, exponent)
plaintext2_e = pow(plaintext2, exponent)
ciphertext1 = get_cipher(plaintext1)
ciphertext2 = get_cipher(plaintext2)
delta1 = plaintext1_e - ciphertext1
delta2 = plaintext2_e - ciphertext2
gcd = fractions.gcd(delta1,delta2)
for i in range(2,1000):
if gcd % i == 0:
gcd = gcd / i
n = gcd
* Another situation arises if the attacker has a decryption oracle but a certain ciphertext c is forbidden from being decrypted. In this case the attacker can ask for the decryption of a derivative key c' = c * r^e (mod n). Because m1^e * m2^e = (m1 * m2) ^ e (mod n) and c = m ^ e mod (n) it follows that c' = (m * r) ^ e mod(n). The received decryption is m*r and r^(-1) is easily obtainable. m * r * r^(-1) = m, the original message
* Other attacks: Wiener, Coppersmith, Timing attack, Power Attack, Faults Attack, [[http://www.hri.res.in/~kalyan/lecture2.pdf | Pollard's p and rho ]]
* Papers on attacks:
* {{:rsa_attacks.pdf|A Survey of Cryptanalytic Attacks on RSA}}
* [[http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/026 | RSA private key reconstruction from random bits using SAT solvers ]]
=== El Gamal===
* Algorithm
* Assumptions and attacks
===Elliptic curves===
* Algorithm
* Assumptions and attacks
* Paper on attacks {{:| Attacking the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem}}